Saturday, 26 September 2009

keeping it up

The blog that is, nothing else....

Today i figure a good start point is (drum roll)
chronic fatigue syndrome, manic depressive tendancies, and lonelyness and possible major problems with my brain.... sound serious yeah?

We'll soon see about that.

Other than the utterly horrible parts about it all, it's awesome!! Hear me out.

People always say you should keep life moving, keep trying new things and everything, and so on.
Well for me it's easy. As I can never remember what day it is, I can never plan anything so it's all spontanious. And recently, i'm making an effort to try new things (which could be things i've done loads of times, but just keep forgetting about).
As part of my new things trend, i'm going to learn welsh, and russian, and no doubt forget english because of it. Should be good, as I think wales is great, and i'm gonna move there as soon as I can.

And there is even a good side to manic depression, if you look past the utterly miserable horible parts anyways. Im talking about the random high as a kite head in the clouds happy hyper moods, which make you full of a weird energy. It's brilliant, heh heh.

Tonight might be one of those full of energy mad moments....

Oh, and all this stuff wrong with my health and whatever usually leads to sleepness nights.... Which is never fun is it?

Hell yeah it is.
I go on loads of random chat sites, and talk to people i wouldn't otherwise have chance to, and talk about loads of things, art, music, films, hobbies, problems etc.
And american girls always seem to like me, just because im english. How good is that?!? Very XD
They seem to be a bit differant from english girls too.... They are a hell of alot more open about things....

Big brother would of been a much better programme if they really messed with the "inmates".
Like let a feral badger in the house in the middle of the night. Or covered all their possessions in honey whilst they were sleeping....
OR, let Brian blessed in, armed with a hand held catapult and lots of eggs....

Bye for now x

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